Friday, April 23, 2010

Perception is everything...

With many ways to look at just about any subject, several
questions come to mind in light of the subject of this program. It's unique to play to both roles, of those who seek to legalize pot, by making aware that places like Amsterdam seem to work just fine with legalized pot, & how nice it sounds to collect taxes to go to things like local economies, & dare I say it, public schools. Flip the coin, it speaks of gunshots, death, & multimillion dollar black market sales. Also trying to show a dark side of growing by giving a bleak depiction of pollution caused by an indoor growers den. BUT WAIT!!! The best American explanation... THE MEXICAN CONNECTION!!! So, as I stated earlier, this brings many questions to mind.

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The first thing that comes to mind, & what may be the most highly overlooked element in all actions, be it positive or negative in nature, seems to always surround money. So I ask... does it truly have anything to do with marijuana, or the people involved, no matter what background or life one lives? Or do we truly have a serious problem with the very foundation of our entire culture, being tied up, in, around, or having anything to do, with money?

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When an issue of legality or morality arise, it is often the work of those skilled in marketing to deceive others into seeing around a bigger issue. If money was not involved in any aspect of our social life & culture; our depiction of the world would be very different. Someone sees an issue between state law & federal law, saying one provides the right to grow, the other the rights to arrest & detain for growing. They seem to work well together. Yet those who grow their own private plants or gardens are not having street wars & committing acts of senseless violence & robbery. Upon questioning, one often finds that illegal behavior & acts of violence & depravity, are linked with the desire to gain, in excess... money.

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What on earth does money do? It provides an illusion. Money is not edible, & it does not come in a nourishing liquid form that comprises over 75% of your body mass. It serves only the purpose that we define it to serve. In this country, it serves to produce the illusion of what denotes power. It goes something like this... they market to you that money can buy a house (shelter), food & running water (nourishment), & even give you something more than survival; it can provide power (THE ILLUSION) which brings comfort and safety. The rich always have a higher standard of living. Safer communities, safer cars & homes, better health care, & less concern of starvation & suffering. The illusion lies in the misconception of money's definition, or to put it in other words, the purpose money serves us, as it is nothing more than a tool.

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When researched, it is discovered that money is the only reason the black market exists. If people wanted something illegal, they would get it somehow right? Would it even be illegal if money wasn't involved? Why would it matter if weed was grown & given to friends, family, & other individuals if there was no concern of the money involved in the sale? Supply & demand of illegal contraband is not a valid reason for the black market to exist. Supply & demand don't require money, since a barter system works on the same principle, simply no medium (money) between the items in the transaction.

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Taking a different view as to the origin of aberrant behavior, one is likely to discover that the very reason crime exists is because the desire to obtain & control large amounts of money; for as it was pointed out briefly, money produces the illusion of power, or even more misleading, safety. Money is kept in place on the assumption that it provides a certain level of safety not available to a lower standard of living. Thus people continue to use money, produce money, & gain wealth because it provides something simpler & more appealing than scrapping the bottom of the barrel & only surviving. In turn, crime is only an act that defies the law. So the law is put in place to provide what? Desire to have. Since in a system where comfort & desires can be readily purchased, that which is not available becomes a product or service to gain a profit on & maintain wealth & power. An example would be being the only plumber or doctor in a small town, controlling a trade. Thus the black market only exists because the law exists to make the trade of the item more marketable. Crime because of law? Sound a little different? Or was the term "marketable" looked over? It's always money. The item is not profitable if it is widely available, in the ex. of diamonds being worth so much. It's only cause it is a controlled market, with a limited supply. If the law limits it, it's value goes up, because it is not widely available. Making sense yet?

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It was the premise of this entire news show, spouted out consistently & almost completely looked over by most people, because it often believed that money is the way things just are. Money acts only as a medium between two individuals wishing to trade commodities & services. The world known today is a system of finely tuned marketing, driving those of all cultures & nations to believe an illusion, created to maintain a constant level of segregation & division in the human race. As I stated in the beginning, there are multiple ways of seeing so many different topics. But I question everyone, can you find the reason or purpose of even having a point of view, & where it comes from?

I recommend watching this video in full-screen, cause it's a pain to get it to fit in the blog.

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