Friday, April 23, 2010

Welcome to the new world order!

Hello everyone, I have been bad. I do realize the time span it takes me to actually write out a new blog, but such is life. With this particular blog I would actually like to focus on a very unique set of current events. I do not normally prefer to be caught up in the day to day mundane nature of society, but it has become clear to me that the masses are very much unaware of the impending outcome of the elections tomorrow. This blog is also something of a prediction, if not a road map for the path of American society, & in conjunction, the world.

Simply put, Obama will win tomorrow. However, this is not because he actually won anything. The true basis for his win comes from the voting method that is used to ensure that the individual, that the "men of power" want in office, is always there. Who might this man be? Soon to be Vice President, senator Joe Biden. Yet what does this man have to do with anything the government wants? Well this comes into play when the economy is looked at from another angle.

As it happens to be in this country, we no longer have an unbiased news media. If you are unaware of this, do not make some attempt to state otherwise for your speaking emotionally, not factually. The news medias of this country are controlled by a very select few individuals. Who might these individuals be? The same individuals who are in charge of the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank, & also the same group of very very very wealthy individuals that control oil reserves, energy production, food production, health care institutions & pharmaceutical company's, & most of all, the political class in it's entirety. All major players in the law making industry (& yes, it is most certainly an industry, the industry of controlling all of you) are members of this hierarchical society of profit & gain, no matter the cost, be it environmental, or even human life. The function of our economy is based on the "fractional reserve banking system" brought into existence with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, & its printed documentation "Modern Money Mechanics". It explains the foundation of how the wealth of this nation is created using the banking system we currently employ in this country. However, the basic construction of this system is such that money is literally created out of thin air. Here is an internet site to get you more up to date with the function of this system, Watch "Zeitgeist: Addendum", & if so choose, watch it all, including the movie that preceded it, "Zeitgeist The Movie". It is an independent film, so I recommend patience to get to the parts that will inform you further.

The reason I bring all of this to all of you is because this system, & the baisc mis-understanding of where the wealth of this nation actually comes from has formed the largest over-inflated market the world could ever imagine, let alone has ever seen. Our nation is now teetering on the edge of a knife, & the slightest sneeze could send it all crumbling down. Why is this important? It all comes together as one large, overlooked, & unspeakably dangerous outcome that will sink the entire world into a mass depression. The election is the media's toy, to keep the never ending story in-line with what the system is all about. Control.

The outcome is such that this nations entire wealth is controlled by a very select few, & they have the desire, drive, knowledge, & machine (being the market economy) to have world power. Call it conspiracy if you wish, fact holds truth that no opinion can ever change. Obama is the man they seek to put into office so that his economic plan can be put into place. Then, just like the fall of the market in 1929, the system fails. Yet this time, we take the whole damn world with us. The influence of the American market economy on the world as a whole is astronomical. Free flow of money & goods from this nation is the pipe line for the rest of the world to hold its ground. The system we live in is reaching its theoretical limits for money production, & when this occurs, no new loans will be taking out, & thus the seizure of the money in our system will create a contracture of the money supply, which in turn will bury this nation into a depression that no economists is willing to accept, & thus the nation is lied to, until it happens, & we all fail. Thus, the men who control the money will wait for Obama's big economic plan to shift the money to the middle class, upon which time, they will allow the market to collapse, as it is they who have the power to keep it afloat by creating more money, & they will have the individual they need to point the finger at, as the cause & reason the market failed & collapsed, & it will shift the power over those who have been hiding behind the curtains.

Biden is the head seat of the "Committee on Foreign Relations" which for the most part has been a no name entity in the government which is charged with leading legislation in foreign-policy. However, this man stood behind the unwarranted attack on Iraq, & with the little known existence of the "Council on Foreign Relations" the CFR, it will take little to no effort to combine this no name government entity with the private & controlled element of the CFR, which might I add, is controlled by Rockefeller & JP Morgan, both of which were some of the families that were responsible for the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. The bank was never created by the government. It was created by private interests, who sought to create a perfect machine to control nations.

The CFR is comprised of most of the major fortune 500 companies, which again, are owned by these very select powerful men. Some of these companies actually have net values that are higher than most major eastern nations. Entire countries have less money than these companies & their private investors have. The CFR owns this nations, & soon much of the rest of the world. Their efforts are to create the World Bank, which has been announced even on corrupt news networks. This bank will hold the key to creating a world money supply & the formation of the never ending "Wage Slave", or better known as all of you, THE PEOPLE! You are their work force. You are their champions. You fulfill their goals by the never ending need to try & survive your own debt, to a system that created that exact debt out of thin air, to ensure that you always have incentive to get up & go to work everyday for what you believe is your life. When the president of the USA is the same man that will be placed as the Front Man for the CFR, with a collapsed system, which will destroy world markets, the NWO, "The New World Order" will be in place, & you shall never know the difference.

It is your personal power to make the change in your life to create a new system with a function to prosper & give life to all of us. With the time I have today, this is as far as I can take you. It has always been personal responsibility that frees humans from their environment. Take it upon yourself to do the research & learn for yourself who, what, where, when, & why. Here & now is the time for change, not when a leader steps up to the plate to make a difference. I hope that all of you can see reason in life to value who you are, & to take it upon yourselves to push the limits of your understandings so that a new tomorrow can emerge. Take care, & peace & love to all.

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